Friday, December 9, 2011

A Guy Thing ?

If you didn't know better, it is just a form wrapped in straw.

Monday, October 31, 2011

The Secret Life Of Tools


Doing something and a certain tool is required.
Own it but can't find it
Know from experience I’ll find it when I don’t need it anymore.
Can't stop looking until I don't need it.
Think I may own three, (3), tres, of that same #?*!%!!! tool.
Can’t stop looking until the job is done.
Can’t move on until this job is done
Hate it. I’m stuck. I hate that tool.

Those who remodel old houses - a job where a plethora of specialized and unique tools are required - know about this.
Some tools just seem prone to go missing when they would be of greatest use.
We have an expression,
“It‘s a good tool but doesn’t like to work.”

Tuesday, October 4, 2011

Tallahassee International

I was honored to be included in this fine show:

images: 1.tinkering with Best of Show,2. Jean Young, 3.entry, 4.long view, 5.after opening


Saturday, September 17, 2011

Lots of Life Drawing In Sebastopol

Last chance to sign up for my class.

Go Figure!
Facilitator: James Curtis

Non-instructed drop-in, open studio figure study sessions. Draw, paint, and/or sculpt the human figure from a live model in an open, well-lit studio. All levels of experience invited to participate. Bring your own materials. Artists must be at least 18 years of age.

Every Wed evening, drop-in, 7-10pm,
Fee: $15 per session or $50 for 4-prepaid sessions
Contact Jim at 576-0628 or cell 332-7877 or

Tuesday Morning Drawing Group

Meets from 9am to Noon, with a live model and no instructor. Visit the first session free. If you decide to continue, the fee is $45 monthly. For questions, email or call Joyce at 707.577.8218.

Drawing the Human Form from Life
Instructor: James Vogel

Practice drawing from the live model. We will practice using negative space, mass, contour and erasure drawing to discover the human form. All levels of experience welcome, and beginners encouraged. Min 8 students. Contact or 765-1341

6 Tuesdays Sept 20 - Oct 25, 6-9pm

Fee: Non-member $130 / member $125

If you would like to be taken off the mailing list let me know. Thanks Jim

Tuesday, July 26, 2011

Collage - Assemblage Show at Sebastopol Art Center

Opening Reception
Thursday, July 28
6 pm – 7:30 pm

Exhibiting Artists:

Mark Brudzinski, Deborah Butterfield, Ira Carter, Judy Danner, Kathy de Rosas, Hollynn D’Lil, Susan Fuller, Lisa Glicksman, Alan S. Hopkins, E.A.(Betsy)Kellas, Monica Lee-Boutz, Karen Lockert, Walt McCallum, Anya Mettet, Dean Moniz, Sabina Nieto, Gregory Odle, Renee Owen, Susan Proehl, Lionel Rouge-Perez, Ruth Rubanowitz, Andrea Rutherford, Susandra Spicer, James Vogel.
Coordinators’ wall:
Michele Amandola, Cecily Axt, Mary Bramwell, Steve Cook, Susan Cornelis, Lynn C. Davies, Janet Gelfman, Barbara Harris, Gerald Huth, Cat Kaufman, Judy Ludovise, Kathy McCallum, Catherine McCauley, River Mortenson, Renee Owen, Jonnie Russell, Zann.

Monday, July 18, 2011

State Fair

Laurie and I went to the fair to eat Corn Dogs and see my work.

Wednesday, June 22, 2011

Figure Drawing in Sebastopol

Sign up now to make this class happen. Deadline to register is drawing near.

Drawing the Human Form from Life
Instructor: James Vogel
6 Tuesdays July 5-Aug 9, 4-7pm
$130 Non-member/ $125 member
The class will practice drawing from the live model. Emphasis on seeing the form though preconceptions. Minimum 8 students.
Contact or 765-1341.

Saturday, June 11, 2011

Friday, June 10, 2011

The Steins Collect

1. I had every intention of taking lots of pictures of famous and obscure Picassos and Matisses and posting them to my blog, but photos were not permitted.
While waiting the 2 hours to get into show I found a Jasper Johns (gray) and a Clifford Still (black). To look at these two paintings and know nothing of the intentions of the artists', one could assume ( rightly or wrongly) they were the same. The only difference is that one is gray and the other black. The are both encaustic paintings on canvas. Except for one difference - Johns painted on the "back" of his canvas.
2. There I said it : Rauschenberg. On a separate topic - What is it with the Germans and consonants?
3. Lastly, the the best piece I saw all day. My Blog, My opinion. It's a gazillion staples on a phone pole in Haight Asbury. Man! that thing was/is rich. A phone pole - yes!

Sunday, June 5, 2011

My Class at Sebastopol Art Center

Drawing the Human Form from Life
Instructor: James Vogel
6 Tuesdays July 5-Aug 9, 4-7pm
$130 Non-member/ $125 member
The class will practice drawing from the live model. Emphasis on seeing the form though preconceptions. Minimum 8 students.
Contact or 765-1341.

Friday, May 27, 2011

Last Class at the J.C.

Here are some examples of our latest efforts at the J.C.. Laurie and I finished the class this week. Many thanks to Claire Cotts. She shared her love of art and created a space where effort and talent was valued and encouraged. Thanks, also, to all that left feedback. We might have a show in the front room - free snacks. I think would like to continue working on portraits so if anyone is interested in sitting for me let me know.

Tuesday, May 10, 2011

Art in The City

Will and I went to see some art in S.F. Duchamp, Arneson, Pollock. David Simpson, Thiebaud, Diebenkorn and some others.