Monday, March 26, 2012

Life Drawing Class in Sebastopol

Drawing the Human Form from Life
Instructor: James Vogel

Draw from a live model. Emphasis will be seeing the form though preconceptions. Practice using negative space, mass, contour and erasure drawing to discover the human form. All levels welcome, beginners encouraged. Students must bring: large drawing board with clips, large newsprint pad, large quality pad or substitute smooth paper, vine charcoal, graphite , chamois and various erasers. Min 6 students. $25 drop-in. Some supplies provided.
Painting/Drawing Studio
6 Tues, 6:30-9:30pm
Session1: Jan 24–Feb 28
Session 2: Mar 27–May 1 Fee: $130/$125 Member
Questions? 765-1341 or

Saturday, March 17, 2012

Setting up the show

Wow- New York - just like I pictured it.
Skyscrapers an' everything

Friday, March 2, 2012

I have a piece in local show

Opening: Friday March 23th 5:30-7:30
1408 Mission St. @ E San Rafael

I hope I see someone I know there.