Thursday, December 17, 2015

Art of the Spirit ends Saturday

The Art of the Spirit: Epiphany show continues until the end of this week at O'Hanlon Center for the Arts, so please remind any friends/family who have not yet seen the show to come visit before this Saturday at 2:00 pm!

Last days for Art of the Spirit

The Art of the Spirit: Epiphany show continues until the end of this week at O'Hanlon Center for the Arts, so please remind any friends/family who have not yet seen the show to come visit before this Saturday at 2:00 pm!

The Annunciation

Tchaikovsky is said to have disliked some of his most notable works.  I think this speaks to  the notion of artist  not so much a creator than a conduit.  Likewise in my piece, The Annunciation, I have felt more a conduit than creator.  In the two years since I began work on it I have mostly followed clues offered by an evolving image. Truthfully, I am somewhat embarrassed by this naked expression of  purity.  Not so much by the nakedness as by the purity.  Ultimately, it is about motherhood.  Which makes chronological sense to me personally because my mother died a little more than two years ago and my unconscious mind has been busy reconciling our relationship.

The fruits of artwork are often divided between what is revealed to the artist and what is expressed to the viewers.  Revelations are most meaningful for the artist in terms of self elucidation and reconciliation with one’s true self.  For us to move forward we must first know where we are and to acknowledge from whence we came. So I return to my mother.  A Lutheran at birth she converted to Episcopalian when married. We were raised in that church.  However the truth is never that simple.  My siblings and I all acknowledge a chaste and saintly nanny as the one who nurtured us as our mother played golf.  Did I mention reconciliation?  

Life cannot be understood without an appreciation if not acceptance of mystery. At the annunciation the Angel Gabriel communicates a biological impossibility to the Virgin Mary.  In nearly all the paintings called Annunciation the depiction is of  two entities, one communicating the other listening. As you can see, my painting contains only one figure. Hopefully, she  is giving a message to a viewer. This work aspires to becomes a dialog - perhaps a sacred dialog.  The two entities become the viewer and the viewed.

Tuesday, November 17, 2015

Straw Ball at O'Hanlon last 2 Days

Straw Ball in context at 
"Reimagining Minimalism"

Straw Ball

I think most of us become artists by way of a search for meaning.  There is not much I wish to say about my piece.  In fact, I suspect the more I say about it the less chance it has of giving meaning to others.  
However, I have come to some observations about this straw ball in the course of exhibiting it in different venues:
When it is exhibited in an art gallery it tends to be viewed as art,  whereas when I have displayed in a tree it tends to be seen as a great nest of some kind.
To me, it comes back to meaning, and specifically,  meaning through relationship.  In other words, How do I relate to this straw ball  in size, location, texture and shape ?  but perhaps more interestingly, how does this straw ball  relate to, or, meet, my  Expectations ?

How much of our lives are lived in a fog of expectation?  How much of what we see do we see because we expect to see it?   And, how often does something we see defy our expectations.
Whether we like it or not, we are defined by expectations.  We are limited or expanded by what other people expect of us, but more profoundly, we are limited, expanded and ultimately defined by ……  what we expect of ourselves.

So being confronted with something unexpected can be of value.  It has the chance of meaning something to us.  But we need to   try    to resist    the urge    to define   the unexpected and instead     cherish it.

Life for adult humans is full of the expected, the defined, the known.  

We are all so knowledgeable. And yet the very little we truly know we know through relationship.  Nothing stands alone, or in this case, hangs alone.  So,  if when you walked into this gallery, you saw something you did not expect - cherish it - it has meaning for you.   

Saturday, August 29, 2015

2 Chairs, Two shows!

Salud ! I have work on display at two - that's right two shows at once here in Sonoma County just north of lovely San Francisco.
"Chair 1"  Sebastopol Art Center opening
Chair 1
"Chair" at the Riverfront Gallery , Petaluma

Two Shows 2 Chairs

Hey, I have work on display at two - that's right two shows at once here in Sonoma County just north of lovely San Francisco.
"Chair 1"  Sebastopol Art Center opening
Chair 1
"Chair" at the Riverfront Gallery , Petaluma


Friday, July 31, 2015

Wednesday, July 22, 2015

"Texture" show closes at O'Hanlon Friday

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Flutter 4 encaustic by Jenny Philips

Emergent Woman

Textural Intrusion

Last 2 Days for "Texture" at O'Hanlon

Lila Sparks-Daniels Hay Bale Close-Up and Emergent Woman

Bricks by Beverly Anderson

"Texture" overview

Textural Intrusion

Tuesday, May 26, 2015

Art at the Bank

Abby Wasserman and James Vogel show work at Bank of Marin in Mill Valley.

Saturday, May 2, 2015

Expressions West opening

Entered - Not selected
My accepted entry: "The Annunciation". Those who touch the foot an receive a blessing.

Nice piece from local artist Charles Castleberry

Coos Bay Art Museum opening

"Emergent Woman" - entered but not accepted
My piece "The Annunciation" was well lit.
Local artist Charles Castleberry's fine work received an Honorable Mention

Long view of gallery

Sunday, April 19, 2015

Composing Chaos closes next week

The very popular "Composing Chaos" juried by Chester Arnold is closing next week

My  "Meta-OK"

Peter M. Kohn's  fascinating "Palette of slowly forgotten"

My "Alpha and Omega" selected but not included in show

Saturday, March 21, 2015

"Black and White" at O'Hanlon closes next Thursday

My "Black Hole" (not selected)

Katy Kuhn's stunning piece.

Last Week to see Black and White at O'Hanlon

My "Black Hole" (not selected)

Katy Kuhn's stunning piece.
                                           My "Venetian Blind " on display up stairs

Sunday, February 22, 2015

Chester Arnold at Cathrine Clark

Chester and Nord

                                                   A view of the crowd and "Herself"

Wednesday, January 14, 2015

Dancing girls, naked couples and my art in SF

Mad Dog navigates @ New Bohemia's NYE at the SF Armory

A few snap shots of New Bohemians NYE @ The Armory in SF
